The Washington Post
Campaign 2016
Seeking to put the most difficult stretch of his campaign behind him, the GOP nominee used the speech to reach out to traditional fiscal conservatives and disaffected blue-collar workers. But he later faced a new round of resistance within his party.
In a column for The Post, Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) explained that three incidents led her to conclude that Trump is “unworthy” of the office because he “lacks the temperament, self-discipline and judgment required to be president.”
The group of former national security officials, all of whom have served in Republican administrations from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush, signed a letter calling Trump unqualified to be president.
(Patrick B. Kraemer/EPA)
When Yulia Efimova, who had tested positive for doping in the past, was allowed to compete in the 100-meter breaststroke, King publicly voiced her displeasure and suddenly turned their race into one of the most highly-anticipated duels of these Olympics.
Johnson won a silver medal in synchronized diving just seven years after he nearly died in a diving accident.
After second-place showing in the preliminaries, they finished fifth -- no better or worse than how they fared at the 2012 London Olympics -- despite outward indications that they were capable of more.
Turkey's president, who has said the West wasn't supportive in the aftermath of the takeover attempt, is meeting with Russia's president today in an attempt to mend ties.
The documents, mostly from Jimmy Carter’s administration, reveal what was a near-constant internal tension between U.S. eagerness to push human rights issues and concerns that any action could push the country toward the Soviet Union.
New research suggests that the warming of ocean waters is related to an increase of Vibrio bacteria, tiny organisms capable of causing deadly infections in humans and fish.
The comedian’s piece about what’s become of local newspapers was pitch perfect. But the head of a newspaper trade group didn’t get the joke, or the point.
(Evan Vucci/AP)
If true, the gift to St. Jude would appear to be, by far, the largest charitable donation of Trump's life. But The Post found no evidence to back up the story.
"I thought he would be the perfect person because he has a piece of my father living within him," Jeni Stepien said.
For decades, immigrants from Arab countries have said their children vanished and were possibly kidnapped in the late 1940s and early ’50s. A new government inquiry has now given families hope of finding answers.
(Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post)
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The 2016 election is unlike any before it. The campaign has seen the rise of Donald Trump, the New York provocateur who has seized the Republican Party from its bewildered establishment and seized an angry electorate. What's happening in America? What does it mean to be American? For nearly 35 days, Washington Post journalists crossed the nation looking for answers, chronicling them in this book.